Saturday, April 6, 2013

Rasky's Quotes

Some quotes I have come up with over the years.

  • I don't want to be a fireman anymore.  I want to be Smokey the Bear (regarding working in the IT industry.)
  • By accepting the faults in others you learn to accept your own faults.
  • Don't just people on yesterday.  Instead inspire them on what they could be tomorrow.
  • Happiness isn't dictated by circumstance but by attitude.
  • My calling in life is to help the Earth and its people.  Next?
  • A technology company doesn't outsource it's technology.  It embraces every facet of it.  This opportunity is then given to it's employees.
  • Every task every day matters.  You just have to keep the right mindset.  Everything you do everyday should tie back to your career goals
  • Every mother is an artist. Her children the canvas.
  • A leader does not turn around a failing company by going to meetings.  A leader is on the floor driving the change he or she wants to see.
  • Less Meetings, more doing.  That is my home depot (repo).
  • It is easy to offer criticism but more rewarding to understand (not sure if this has been said before by another person)

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