Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Redirecting your domain while using HTTPS


We have a client that wants to use their own domain for one of our products.  I was asked if this was possible given our setup of our site.  I have in our F5 LTM setup to do a permanent redirect (301) to HTTPS from HTTP.  For whatever reason the whole site is encrypted even though you haven't logged in yet to it.  This will probably put load on my LTM but that is for another day.  Most domain offering sites have 3 types you can pick from.  They also asked if they could just do a CNAME.

  1. Permanent redirect - 301
  2. Temporary redirect - 302
  3. Masked forwarding

Permanent redirect - 301

I started off by refreshing what the difference is between #1 and #2.  Found a good article on  A permanent redirect works but that is not what the client wants.  They want to drive traffic and business to their domain.


First I created a new zone, and set a CNAME for to point to  Going to did not work.  Got the usually security message in Chrome since the domain name,, doesn't match the certificate, *, I have in the LTM where I am offloading SSL.

Temporary redirect - 302

Same as a permanent with the domain changing over to my companies.  Not what the client wanted either.

Masked Forwarding

Now reading up on this it looks about as promising as you can get.  I talked to a UI developer friend of mine and basically this is just an iFrame with no border.  You won't be able to book mark the page and the back and forward browser buttons won't work.  You have to right click in the iFrame and do Back/Forward that way.  So this is the option we ended up recommending to our client.

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